Lovely Lalbagh after rains!

Come rains, the gardens of Bangalore come back to life. 

Cubbon Park and Lalbagh looks lovely in the mornings after overnight rains have washed the trees and cleaned them up. It is a pleasure to take a walk or jog early in the morning after overnight rains in these two public gardens. 

We were there on Saturday on our usual weekend sojourn to Lalbagh. As we jogged our way through on a lovely morning, we saw small little yellow lilies in a part of the garden. The lilies - not sure its actual name - had sprouted all around after the rains and it was a sweep of yellow. It was a fabulous sight!

I had seen similar yellow carpet of flowers in Hyde Park, London and in Kew Gardens in England. Here we see them in our own Lalbagh!

This place is very close to the giant Silk Cotton tree which is a land mark in Lalbagh.

Go there before they wither away.



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A Travel Blog from India: Lovely Lalbagh after rains!

Monday, 10 June 2013

Lovely Lalbagh after rains!

Come rains, the gardens of Bangalore come back to life. 

Cubbon Park and Lalbagh looks lovely in the mornings after overnight rains have washed the trees and cleaned them up. It is a pleasure to take a walk or jog early in the morning after overnight rains in these two public gardens. 

We were there on Saturday on our usual weekend sojourn to Lalbagh. As we jogged our way through on a lovely morning, we saw small little yellow lilies in a part of the garden. The lilies - not sure its actual name - had sprouted all around after the rains and it was a sweep of yellow. It was a fabulous sight!

I had seen similar yellow carpet of flowers in Hyde Park, London and in Kew Gardens in England. Here we see them in our own Lalbagh!

This place is very close to the giant Silk Cotton tree which is a land mark in Lalbagh.

Go there before they wither away.



At 6/10/2013 , Blogger Unknown said...

These rains are much needed and after a very long time the climate resembles which we had a decade back...

At 6/11/2013 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Namma Bengaluru continues to be vibrant and colourful! . . . Nice that you have tried to showcase our dear city, which most feel has died.


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